the horae

A Seasonal Journal

a journal to spark reflection, inspiration, creativity, and transformation in tandem with the seasonal shifts

Every season holds its own wisdom and medicine. When we fall into step with these natural cycles, they offer us a guiding light—a lantern to illuminate what lies within: dreams and desires, memories and future visions, old selves and present embodiments, trapped emotions and insights.

In Greek mythology, the Horae were the goddesses of the seasons and they marked the progression of time via the constellations.

As we move between solstices and equinoxes, we too are moving through our own mini life cycles from death to rebirth. Each season awakens something inside of us. And our outer world changes when we discover ourselves, celebrate our magic, and take steps toward a new horizon.

This journal is an activating tool for inspiration and creation—to help you harness the transformational energy of the seasonal shifts.

It offers you moments to reflect on where you are right now, how you're feeling, where you'd like to go, and how you might support that journey. Every issue is intuitively curated and holds a particular energetic frequency.

the horae is on pause for the moment

the horae is on pause for the moment ⋆

All past issues are available at a discount for you to connect to their seasonal, yet timeless wisdom. Trust that if you’re called to any of these issues, there’s something special there for you.