THE HORAE ~ Winter Journey

Sale Price:$3.00 Original Price:$6.00

A Seasonal Guidebook


the winter journey 2022 - 2023

The winter edition of The Horae is here to walk alongside you into these darker days. It’s a time to peel back the layers to go inward. This guidebook is intended to help you harness the transformational energy of the seasonal shift. There is great power within when you quiet the activity of the mind and the body, and rest within yourself—ask questions, reflect, set sight on new horizons.

In this issue, celestial bodies serve as creative inspiration and draw the eyes upward to the cosmos, where the infinite resides in all possibilities. The adventure of life is wide open like the evening sky. What do you long for? Where would you like to go? How would you like to feel? Inside these pages, you’ll find guidance to lead you into self-discovery throughout these winter months.

Within the guidebook are channeled collective messages from the Akashic Records, prompts for reflection, a new year divination, and inspiration through art and words. Special features in this issue include a beautiful melding of earthly and heavenly wisdom. Chanelle Allesandre brings the natural world inside—offering tender guidance in the form of roots and flowers. And Zsuzsa Mellquist illuminates the sky with an astrological look at what’s moving above and what’s moving us within. These are resources that invite contemplation and self-nourishment. The only thing missing is—you, and what you bring to the journey.

My intuition and heart go into creating this guidebook and I sincerely hope you enjoy this journey and that it supports a deepening relationship with yourself.


This guidebook is offered digitally as an immediate download (29 page PDF)

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